Trouble logging in remotely to access journal articles
Hello, I thought I was to use the HutchNetID as a library logon. Maybe I need to update my password. Can you please send me a link to update the password so that I can access journal articles? Thank you!
Yes, that's correct--your HutchNetID & password are what you need to access journal articles remotely. Your HutchNetID appears to be active, so it is possible that your password has simply expired.
To update your password, you can use My Apps. My Apps requires a one-time enrollment before it can be used for the first time. If you haven't already completed the enrollment process, please click here to do so. Once you are enrolled, follow the steps on this page to change your password.
You can also call the Center IT help desk for password update assistance, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm: 206.667.5700
Let us know if a password change does not solve your journal access trouble!