How can I find out if I (or someone I support) already has an ORCID?

I support a new faculty member at Fred Hutch. I am writing to see if your team would be able to help me determine if they already have an ORCID associated with them. And if not, if we could work towards getting them one?

If any additional information (commons ID, etc.) is needed for this request, please let me know and I would be happy to provide.


To determine if they already have an ORCID ID:

Send a password reset link to any/all of their current email addresses by navigating to https://orcid.org/signin and clicking the red "Forgotten your password? Reset it here" link which will display the form.

  • One caveat is that the email address has to be an exact match with whatever was used to register the account (so that you wouldn't be able to retrieve an ORCID account registered with @fredhutch.org by only submitting @fhcrc.orgeach should be submitted just in case).

Otherwise, it is very easy to register for an ORCID ID at https://orcid.org/register. Here is a video tutorial resource and additional support: 

Per ORCID's terms and conditions, a researcher may only register for an ORCID iD themselves, so the Arnold Library is not permitted to register anyone on their behalf. We do offer to record known/verified Fred Hutch researcher ORCID IDs for future lookup and account retrieval assistance.

  • Last Updated Oct 07, 2019
  • Views 79
  • Answered By Rachel Cascio

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